The Big Bang Theory: 8 Best Penny Quotes - Trending Vitality

The Big Bang Theory: 8 Best Penny Quotes

The Big Bang Theory has a lot of hilarious lines and a lot of the show’s best quotes from Penny. These are her funniest from the whole series.

The Big Bang Theory may officially be over, but that doesn’t mean fans are going to stop quoting the show’s signature lines anytime soon. After all, it doesn’t get told throwing in a “Bazinga” here or there or singing “Soft Kitty” on a sick day.

While some of the show’s biggest catchphrases often come from Sheldon; Penny is another character with some of the most memorable lines. Her thinly veiled insults are often covered by calling that person “Sweetie”. Sometimes she makes quips about the guys right to their faces; because, they genuinely have no idea what she’s talking about since they are so swept up in their own worlds. Nevertheless, Penny’s lines should not be forgotten.


“I Know There’s A ‘D’ In There, But It Keeps Moving Every Time I Try And Write It.”

Kaley with her memes

In a flashback scene, Penny is drunk and making a video on the laptop that Leonard gave her. At the time in the series, Penny and Leonard were broken up and he had moved on with Priya. She was drunk, lonely, and realized that she should have never broken up with Leonard.

In the scene, Penny says out loud that she always has a hard time spelling Hofstadter; because, “there’s a ‘D’ in there, but it keeps moving every time”. It was hilariously relatable and adorable that Penny cared so much. Luckily, Leonard and Penny’s relationship timeline picked up where it left off.


“You, You Stupid Pop-Tart!”

Leonard and Penny had been through a lot in their relationship. They’ve both asked each other to marry the other but the timing was never right or the proposal felt forced. Eventually, Penny got to a point where the only thing that made her happy was Leonard. She compared him to a bran muffin, which upset Leonard. But she meant it in a way that he was reliable and stable. Leonard, however, wanted to be seen as more than a bran muffin — he wanted to be a strawberry Pop-Tart.

After a heated exchange of words, Penny finally got it through to Leonard. She was ready to marry him by saying she needed him; the “stupid Pop-Tart.” Penny comparing Leonard to a stupid Pop-Tart made their upcoming engagement all the better.


“I Love Him, But If He’s Broken, Let’s Not Get A New One.”

Penny with Sheldon and Leonard

Penny loves Sheldon deeply, but she also enjoys making jokes about him being an alien from another planet. It’s part of Sheldon and Penny’s friendly dynamic. In ‘The Anxiety Optimization,’ Sheldon is trying to maximize his work environment to increase his productivity, and he thinks that increasing his anxiety is the answer.

When Penny and Leonard arrive home from a date, Leonard startles Sheldon and he runs out of the room in fear. This is when Penny states that she doesn’t want a “new” Sheldon if he’s broken. It’s humorous that Penny compares Sheldon to having a pet because, in a lot of ways, he’s as high maintenance as one.


“Alright, Howard Wolowitz, Listen Up!”

Howard, Sheldon and Jamie

In ‘The Vacation Solution,’ when Howard is reluctant to sign a prenup before marrying Bernadette, Penny reminded him how lucky he was to have a woman like Bernadette. “You sign anything she puts in front of you because you are the luckiest man alive,” she said. She continued, “If you let her go, there is no way you can find anyone else. Speaking on behalf of all women, it is not going to happen. We had a meeting.” Penny and Howard were friendly but were never considered best friends because she found him inapt at times.

Penny is frequently telling Howard about how creepy or weird he’s being. He found it hard to get women to date him in the first place, so denying Bernadette would be an awful idea. It was amazing that she told him to smarten up and sign the prenup, because Howard took her seriously, saw the light, and signed it.


“In The Olden Days, I Would Have Never Known He Was That Stupid.”

Penny and Leonard together

Over the show’s 12 seasons, Penny goes through a lot of character development. In season three’s ‘The Lunar Excitation,’ Penny acknowledges that she’s not the same dumb blonde she was when she first moved into the building. She was now smarter than the guys she dated.

In this episode, fans first meet Zack. He is a dim-witted, but good-hearted and well-meaning guy, who dates Penny on and off throughout the show. Despite his lack of intelligence, he actually loves science and always wants to “talk science with the science guys.” Unfortunately, those science guys have warped Penny into realizing how dumb Zack really is. This was a great quote because Penny finally realized her worth while also acknowledging her past mistakes with men.


“Amy Is Right. I Do Want To Fling My Poop At Her.”

Penny and wine

When Leonard was dating Raj’s sister, Priya, this caused a lot of problems for the group’s dynamic. At one point, Penny becomes jealous that Priya was able to enjoy all of the things that she trained Leonard to do when they were dating.

Always with neuroscience on the brain, Amy suggests that a study done on Tanzanian chimpanzees found that primates are hard-wired to “fling their waste” at those in the group who need to be ostracized. She suggested that’s what Penny instinctually wanted to do to Priya. Despite denying it, Penny finally admits to maybe having a bit of that urge when she has to endure an awkward conversation with Priya in the hall. The imagery of Penny doing something so vile that she learned from Amy proved that she was learning scientific studies from her friends while also mixing in her humor.


“Holy Crap On A Cracker!”

Kaley scared in the big bang theory

This is one of Penny’s go-to quotes that’s rarely talked about. She says this whenever she’s shocked about something. It’s a line that could only work in TBBT if she said it. In one instance, she opens the guys’ apartment door to give them a package that came for them and sees Sheldon on the couch with Ramona working on his feet.

When Leonard arrives and asks what’s happening in there, she tells him the only way she can explain it is “in a therapist’s office with dolls.” The second time she says it is when Ramona confronts her, accusing her of being in love with Sheldon. Then, Ramona quickly shifts her tune and says, “Sisters?” with a pinkie promise to Penny.


“There’s No Reason Why I Shouldn’t Be The Best Bisexual Go-Go Dancer Slowly Transforming Into A Killer Gorilla Anyone’s Ever Seen.”

Kaley in jail in the big bang theory

In season 7’s ‘The Gorilla Dissolution,’ Penny is cast in the sequel to an embarrassing killer gorilla movie, Serial Ape-ist. At this point, she’s become very reluctant to do the movie and is in desperate need of some motivation to keep going. She’s embarrassed to be in yet another project that’s bound to go nowhere and she embarrasses herself.

However, she has no reason not to try her hardest to be the “best” go-go dancing killer gorilla in the world because it’s a paid gig. This quote was humorous because Penny finally realized that if she wants to act she’s going to have to take unlikable gigs if it means a paycheck but it also shows her inspiring determination and optimism.

Hope you all enjoy reading all this!

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