Clayton Flips Off Sister After She Questions Anali - Trending Vitality

Clayton Flips Off Sister After She Questions Anali

Last weekend, 90 Day Fiance viewers watched Clayton reunite with Anali and being their K-1 journey.

After her long flight, Anali also met Clayton’s mom — the one who lives in his walk-in closet.

But Clayton has other family. And they’re not all so welcoming.

Take Clayton’s sister, for example. She has tough, possibly unfair questions for Anali. And Clayton’s not being too subtle about how it makes him feel.

Clayton Clark sits in a gray shirt on 90 Day Fiance.
In a sneak peek ahead of Season 10, Episode 7 of 90 Day Fiance, we see Clayton at dinner with his fiancee, his mom, and his sister. (Image Credit: TLC)

Clearly, Clayton Clark and Anali Vallejos love each other. And Clayton’s mother is supportive.

But in this 90 Day Fiance sneak peek clip ahead of the Sunday, November 19 episode, Clayton’s sister has clear suspicions.

We don’t know the full context. But it appears that this confrontation goes down after they’ve enjoyed a meal at a restaurant.

Clayton's sister asks a question.
Clayton’s sister asks how she can feel confident that no one is taking advantage of her brother. (Image Credit: TLC)

Simply put, she wants to know if Anali is there for Clayton or for something else.

(If this suspicion has its origins in xenophobia, she might get along well with some of Gino’s relatives … but perhaps she will explain her reasons in the full episode)

So she asks how she can trust that Anali isn’t using Clayton for a visa.

Clayton translates for Anali, sharing his sister's question.
Clayton translates for Anali, sharing his sister’s question. (Image Credit: TLC)

Anali has a very reasonable answer. (Clayton, of course, translates for her)

She points out that it wouldn’t have been so hard to leave her family behind if she were a scammer.

Basically, if all that she wanted was to come to the US, she wouldn’t have needed convincing. She misses her family — but she came here for Clayton.

In a 90 Day Fiance screenshot, Anali answers Clayton's sister's question.
Anali answers Clayton’s sister’s question, pointing out that leaving her family would not have been so hard if she’d been scamming for a visa instead of leaving them for Clayton. Meanwhile, notice the subtle language of his hands. (Image Credit: TLC)

Before we continue with what went down, we have to point out something.

Clayton is active on social media — and seems unusually well-prepared for his season. He clearly put some thought into things.

Anyway, he publicly replied to the sneak peek — making sure that absolutely everyone noticed his not-so-subtle “hidden message” — flipping his middle finger to his sister as she questioned his fiancee’s intentions.

A screenshot of Clayton's Instagram comment under a 90 Day Fiance Instagram post.
In an Instagram comment, Clayton draws attention to his unsubtle “sign language” during a conflict with his sister. (Image Credit: Instagram)

During all of this, his mom is clearly aware of the tension.

She seems to like Anali. But she allows Clayton and his sister to talk this out for themselves.

That’s probably best. She can speak to them one-on-one later.

Clayton's mother, Violet, looks on at the awkward dinner conversation.
Clayton’s mother, Violet, looks on at the awkward dinner conversation. (Image Credit: TLC)

In addition to Anali’s explanation, Clayton has something to add.

He tells his sister that it took him and Anali two and a half years to make this happen.

In what universe would she spend years of her life going to embassy interviews, providing documents, and more?

Clayton speaks while seated beside his fiancee Anali.
Very reasonably, Clayton notes that 2.5 years would be an absurd time investment for a visa scam. (Image Credit: TLC)

It’s a solid argument. Someone might spend years to get with a multimillionaire … but what would be Anali’s alleged “payoff” if she’s not really into Clayton?

Clayton says that he can’t see Anali, or anyone, doing that.

But his sister says that she very much can see that. She claims that people do it all of the time. (Do they, though? Most scammers are more interested in money, and don’t invest much time unless they’re getting it regularly or over a long period of time)

Clayton's sister looks unimpressed with his answer.
Unlike her brother, Clayton’s sister could easily imagine someone putting that much effort into a long con. (Image Credit: TLC)

Clayton then shadily asks his sister if she’s had enough to drink.

To be clear, he’s not asking out of courtesy — he’s saying that her behavior is out of line.

She replies that she hasn’t. Similarly, she’s making it clear that she hears him loud and clear.

Clayton looks aside while asking a shady question.
Clayton shadily asks his sister if she has had enough to drink this evening. (Image Credit: TLC)

This conversation has a tearful end for Clayton’s sister.

Clayton, meanwhile, feels angry and hurt.

Hopefully, they can reach an accord for everyone’s sake.

#Clayton #Flips #Sister #Questions #Anali

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